Merger & Acquisition-old

Merger & Acquisitions (M&A)

“It is not about what it costs but rather what it is worth”

Regardless if you are looking to sell or looking to acquire or looking to retire you MUST think about your companies value now and how to grow it!

Preparation Is The Key:

Whether you are a buyer or a seller of a business you must prepare now to understand the value.

As a buyer, you must not only understand the value of the business you are acquiring but also if it is a good fit for you and/or your current business.  Businesses who are looking for a merger or acquisition must fully understand their own business value before approaching other businesses.

As a seller, you need to understand that buyers do not value your company in the same manner as you value it yourself.  Although a buyer values assets and positive cash flow it is more than that.

WE ARE NOT A BUSINESS BROKER but we are an Seller and Buyer Advocate who can advise you on how to get the most out of your business or the most from a business!

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Famous Last Words:

“I will never sell”  Never say never!  A loss of a family member, loss of passion or ambition, decline in health, need more time with family or friends or hobbies or me time, your children don’t want to take over the business, or you cannot find a trusted resource to take over the business…….Life circumstances change.  

“One thing is for sure……you will never regret building a sellable business!”

Now is always a good time to come up with an exit strategy that ensures you build value and a legacy you will be proud of.

WE ARE NOT A BUSINESS BROKER but we are an Owner Advocate who can advise you on how to build and maintain a valuable sellable business!

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